Andrew Johnson Football Pitch

Motivation – The Invisible Force in Sports and Business

6 July 2023 | 2 min read

Motivation. It’s the hidden force that drives you.

I don’t mean the motivation that gets you out of bed for a five-mile run in the rain. I mean the motivation that causes you to build relationships with others.

And here, ‘hidden’ is the keyword because motivation is always invisible. It’s impossible to see and easy to disguise, so only time will reveal someone’s true motivation.

Professional sport at such a young age comes with money and glamour – two major pull factors for people who may wish to keep their true motivations opaque. I know this only too well. Time and time again – I’ve experienced the disappointment of someone who presented themselves as a genuine friend, disappearing when times get tough. Unfortunately, you must experience these uncomfortable situations to become stronger and wiser, and they will ultimately play a huge part in shaping your future and focus. The age factor also has a huge part to play in all this. Coming into money and fame so young, with no real experience of business, transactions, and life’s day to day pitfalls can leave you vulnerable. And this is often taken advantage of.

But, while the world of sports can be cutthroat and transactional, I’ve found solace in my foray into business. Building client connections – and relationships in the business world – has led me to forge lasting friendships that I cherish deeply and will last a lifetime.

Indeed, this sense of genuine connection drives all of us at BAND. Our approach emphasises the importance of being there for life, offering support and guidance long after a client’s time in the spotlight has passed. Our motivation is partly transactional, but it mainly lies in helping individuals navigate the challenges they face throughout their career and long after.

I’m proud that our business model is rooted in establishing authentic relationships. We strive to be there for the right reasons and offer real support when our clients need us. This dedication to personable connections is what makes it all worthwhile and enjoyable.

It has truly been one of the best decisions of my life to be part of this team, and I’m grateful for the relationships we continue to build.

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London, EC1M 6AW


Julian Davies

Julian Davies

Managing Partner at Redfin

Managing partner and Chartered Accountant with 30+ years of experience in marketing, media, and creative industries. He leads the Redfin team, offering expert advice on growth and profitability. Former owner manager of an agency acquired by a listed group; his industry insights are second to none. Off duty, you might find him on the golf or tennis court, determined to master new tricks.
Shelley Watkin

Shelley Watkin

Client Finance Director at Redfin

A qualified Chartered Accountant with 20+ years of experience in the marketing services sector. During her 5+ years at Redfin, she served as Client Finance Director offering invaluable insights into strategic and commercial matters. Shelley has also assumed the role of Finance Director for various creative agencies, guiding them through successful sales processes. If she gets free time after managing her children’s busy schedules, she likes to chill out doing yoga and gardening.